as a process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place.
Explanations of what happens constitute learning
theories. A learning theory is
an attempt to describe how people and animals learn; thereby helping us
understands the inherently complex process of learning. Learning theories have two chief values according to Hill (2002).
One is in providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for
interpreting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is in
suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do
not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that
are crucial in finding solutions.
three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories
falls are behavioral, cognitive, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only
on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond
behavior to explain brain-based learning. In addition, constructivism views
learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new
ideas or concepts.
will discuss the behavioral theories under two broad categories:
S-R (Stimulus-Response) theory with reinforcement
E.L Thorndike- Trial and Error theory.
B.F Skinner- Operant Conditioning
S-R (Stimulus-Response) theory without reinforcement
Pavlov- Classical Conditioning
A) E.L Thorndike- Trial
and Error Theory of Learning:
Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949) was the first American psychologist
who put forward the Trial and Error Theory of learning. According to Thorndike,
all learning takes place because of formation of bond or connection between
stimulus and response.
further says that learning takes place through a process of approximation and
correction. A person makes a number of trials, some responses do not give
satisfaction to the individual but he goes on making further trials until he
gets satisfactory responses.
conducted a number of experiments on animals to explain the process of
learning. His most widely quoted experiment is with a cat placed in a puzzle
box. Thorndike put a hungry cat in a puzzle box. The box had one door, which
could be opened by manipulating a latch of the door. A fish was placed outside
the box. The cat being hungry had the motivation of eating fish outside the
box. However, the obstacle was the latch on the door. The cat made random movements
inside the box indicating trial and error type of behavior biting at the box,
scratching the box, walking around, pulling and jumping etc. to come out to get
the food. Now in the course of her movements, the latch was manipulated
accidently and the cat came out to get the food. Over a series of successive
trials, the cat took shorter and shorter time, committed less number of errors,
and was in a position to manipulate the latch as soon as it was put in the box
and learnt the art of opening the door.
concluded that it was only after many random trials that the cat was able to
hit upon the solutions. He named it as Trial and Error Learning. An analysis of
the learning behavior of the cat in the box shows that besides trial and error
the principles of goal, motivation, explanation and reinforcement are involved
in the process of learning by Trial and Error.
Laws of Learning
on Trial and Error Learning Theory, Thorndike gave certain laws of Learning. We
shall discuss three fundamental Laws of Learning in this section. These laws
1. Law of Readiness
law refers to the fact that learning takes place only when the learner is
prepared to learn. No amount of efforts can make the child learn if the child
is not ready to learn. The dictum that ‘you can lead a horse to the pond but
you can’t make it drink water unless it feels thirsty’ goes very well with this
law. In other words, if the child is ready to learn, he/she learns more
quickly, effectively and with greater satisfaction than if he/she is not ready
to learn. In the words of Thorndike the three stages of this Law of Readiness
For a conduction unit ready to conduct, to conduct is satisfying.
For a conduction unit ready to conduct, not to conduct is annoying.
For a conduction unit not ready to conduct, to conduct is annoying.
the Law of Readiness means mental preparation for action. It is not to force
the child to learn if he is not ready. Learning failures are the result of
forcing the learner to learn when he is not ready to learn something.
Educational Implications
of Law of Readiness:
law draws the attention of teacher to the motivation of the child. The teacher
must consider the psycho-biological readiness of the students to ensure
successful learning experiences. Curriculum / Learning experiences should be
according to the mental level of maturity of the child. If this is not so,
there will be poor comprehension and readiness may vanish.
2. Law of Exercise
law explains the role of practice in learning. According to this law, learning
becomes efficient through practice or exercise. The dictum ‘Practice makes a
man perfect’ goes very well with this law. This law is further split into two
parts — Law of use and Law of disuse. The law of use means that a connection
between a stimulus and response is strengthened by its occurrence, its exercise
or its use. In other words, the use of any response strengthens it, and makes
it more prompt, easy and certain.
the law of disuse, it is said that when a modifiable connection is not made
between a stimulus and a response over a length of time, the strength of that
connection is decreased. This means that any act that is not practiced for some
time gradually decays. Anything that is not used exercised or practiced for a
certain period tends to be forgotten or becomes weak in strength, efficiency
and promptness.
Educational Implications
occupies an important place in learning. Teacher must repeat, give sufficient
drill in some subjects like mathematics, drawing, music or vocabulary for
fixing material in the minds of the students. Thorndike later revised this law
of exercise and accordingly it is accepted that practice does bring improvement
in learning but it in itself is not sufficient. Always practice must be
followed by some reward or satisfaction to the learner. The learner must be
motivated to learn.
3. Law of Effect
is most important of Thorndike’s laws, which state that when a connection
between stimulus and response is accompanied by satisfying state, its strength
is increased. On the other hand, when a connection is accompanied by an
annoying state of affairs, its strength is reduced or weakened. The saying
‘nothing succeeds like success’ goes very well with this law. In other words,
the responses that produce satisfaction or comfort for the learner are
strengthened and responses that produce annoyance or discomfort for the learner
are weakened.
revised this law in 1930 and according to this revision, he stated that reward
strengthened the response but punishment did not always weaken the response.
Then he placed more emphasis on the reward aspect than on the punishment aspect
of Law of Effect.
Educational Implications
law signifies the use of reinforcement or feedback in learning. This implies
that learning trials must be associated with satisfying consequences. The
teacher can use rewards to strengthen certain responses and punishment to
weaken others.
the use of reward is more desirable than the use of punishment in school
learning. The teacher for motivating the students for learning situations can
exploit the use of reward.
B) B.F.Skinners- Operant
conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning)
is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for
behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a
behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
B.F. Skinner coined the term operant conditioning, which is why it is also
referred as Skinnerian conditioning. As a behaviorist, Skinner believed that
internal thoughts and motivations could not be used to explain behavior.
he suggested, we should look only at the external, observable causes of human
behavior. Skinner used the term operant to refer to any "active
behavior that operates upon the environment to generate consequences"
(1953). In other words, Skinner's theory explained how we acquire the range of
learned behaviors we exhibit each and every day.
is regarded as the father of Operant Conditioning, but his work was based on
Thorndike’s law of effect. Skinner introduced a new term into the Law of Effect
- Reinforcement. Behavior that is reinforced tends to be repeated (i.e.
strengthened); behavior that is not reinforced tends to die out-or be
extinguished (i.e. weakened).
studied operant conditioning by conducting experiments using animals, which he
placed in a “Skinner Box” which was similar to Thorndike’s puzzle box.
Skinner box involved placing an animal (such as a rat or pigeon) into a sealed
box with a lever that would release food when pressed. If food was released
every time the rat pressed the lever, it would press it more and more because
it learnt that doing so gives it food. Lever pressing is described as an
operant behavior, because it is an action that results in a consequence. In
other words, it operates on the environment and changes it in some way.
food that is released as a result of pressing the lever is known as a
reinforcer, because it causes the operant behavior (lever pressing) to
increase. Food could also be described as a conditioned stimulus because it
causes an effect to occur.
There is
an important difference between a reward and a reinforcer in operant
• A reward is something,
which has value to the person giving the reward, but may not necessarily be of
value to the person receiving the reward.
• A reinforce is
something, which benefits the person receiving it, and so results in an
increase of a certain type of behavior.
Skinner identified three
types of responses or operant that can follow behavior.
Neutral operants: Responses from the environment that neither increase nor
decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated.
II. Reinforcers are any event that strengthens or
increases the behavior it follows. There are two kinds of reinforcers.
Positive reinforcers are favorable events or outcomes that are presented
after the behavior. In situations that reflect positive reinforcement, a
response or behavior is strengthened by the addition of something, such as
praise or a direct reward.
Negative reinforcers involve the removal of an unfavorable events or
outcomes after the display of a behavior. In these situations, a response is
strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant. In both of
these cases of reinforcement, the behavior increases.
III.Punishment is the presentation of an adverse event or outcome that causes a
decrease in the behavior it follows. Punishment weakens behavior. There are two
kinds of punishment:
1. Positive punishment sometimes referred to as punishment by application, involves
the presentation of an unfavorable event or outcome in order to weaken the
response it follows.
2. Negative punishment, also known as punishment by removal, occurs when a favorable
event or outcome is removed after a behavior occurs. In both of these cases of
punishment, the behavior decreases.
Schedules of
Intermittent reinforcement - reinforcement is given only part of
the times the animal gives the desired response.
Continuous reinforcement - reinforcement is given every time
the animal gives the desired response.
Ratio reinforcement - a pre-determined proportion of
responses will be reinforced.
Fixed ratio reinforcement - reinforcement is given on a regular
ratio, such as every fifth time the desired behavior is produced.
Variable (random) fixed reinforcement- reinforcement is given
for a predetermined proportion of responses, but randomly instead of on a fixed
Interval reinforcement- reinforcement is given after a
predetermined period of time.
Fixed interval reinforcement - reinforcement is given on a regular
schedule, such as every five minutes.
Variable interval reinforcement - reinforcement is given after random
amounts of time have passed.
animal studies, Skinner found that continuous reinforcement in the early stages
of training seems to increase the rate of learning. Later, intermittent
reinforcement keeps the response going longer and slows extinction.
specifically addressed the applications of behaviorism and operant conditioning
to educational practice. He believed that the goal of education was to train
learners in survival skills for self and society. The role of the teacher was
to reinforce behaviors that contributed to survival skills, and extinguish
behaviors that did not. Behaviorist views have shaped much of contemporary
education in children and adult learning.
Implication of the theory
of operant conditioning:
1. Conditioning study
behavior: Teaching is the arrangement of contingencies of reinforcement,
which expedite learning. For effective teaching teacher should arranged
effective contingencies of reinforcement. Example: For Self learning of a student
teacher should reinforce student behavior through variety of incentives such as
prize, medal, smile, praise, affectionate patting on the back or by giving
higher marks.
Conditioning and classroom behavior: During learning process child
acquire unpleasant experiences also. This unpleasantness becomes conditioned to
the teacher, subject and the classroom and learner dislikes the subject and a
behavioral contingencies, atmosphere of recognition, acceptance, affection and
esteem helps child in approaching teacher and the subject. If student is not
serious in study, teacher make use of negative reinforcement like showing
negligence, criticizing student etc. but if student is serious in study,
teacher make use of positive reinforcement like prize, medal, praise and smile.
Managing Problem Behavior: Two types of behavior are seen in the classroom via undesired
behavior and problematic behavior. Operant conditioning is a behavior therapy
technique that shape students behavior. For this teacher should admit positive
contingencies like praise, encouragement etc. for learning. One should not
admit negative contingencies. Example punishment (student will run away from
the dull and dreary classes – escape stimulation.
4. Dealing with anxieties
through conditioning: Through conditioning fear, anxieties, prejudices,
attitudes, perceptual meaning develops. Examples of anxiety are signals on the
road, siren blown during wartime, child receiving painful injection from a
doctor. Anxiety is a generalized fear response. To break the habits of fear, a
teacher should use desensitization techniques. Initially teacher should provide
very weak form of conditioned stimulus. Gradually the strength of stimulus
should be increased.
Conditioning group behavior: Conditioning makes entire group learn and complete change in
behavior is seen due to reinforcement. It breaks undesired and unsocial
behavior too.
Example: Putting questions
or telling lie to teachers will make teachers annoyed in such circumstances students
learn to keep mum in the class. Asking questions, active participation in class
discussion will make the teacher feel happy – interaction will increase and
teaching learning process becomes more effective.
Conditioning and Cognitive Processes: Reinforcement is given in different
form, for the progress of knowledge and in the feedback form. When response is
correct, positive reinforcement is given. Example: A student who stands first
in the class in the month of January is rewarded in the month of December. To
overcome this Programme instruction is used. In this subject matter is broken
down into steps. Organizing in logical sequence helps in learning. Each step is
built upon the preceding step. Progress is seen in the process of learning.
Immediate reinforcement is given at each step.
7. Shaping Complex
Behavior: Complex behavior exists in form of a chain of small behavior.
Control is required for such kind of behavior. This extended form of learning
is shaping technique. Smallest Behavior is controlled at initial stage. On
behalf of different contingencies, next order of chain of behaviors is
controlled. Example: Vocabulary in English. Teaching spelling is mainly a
process of shaping complex form of behavior.
Pavlov- Classical
Conditioning (1849-1936)
conditioning is a term used to describe learning which has been acquired
through experience. One of the best-known examples of classical conditioning
can be found with the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov and his experiments on
these experiments, Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate when they heard a bell
ring. In order to do this he first showed them food, the sight of which caused
them to salivate.
Later Pavlov would ring a
bell every time he would bring the food out, until eventually, he could get the
dogs to salivate just by ringing the bell and without giving the dogs any food.
this simple but ingenious experiment, Pavlov showed how a reflex (salivation, a
natural bodily response) could become conditioned (modified) to an external
stimulus (the bell) thereby creating a conditioned reflex/response.
Components Involved In
Classical Conditioning
can gain a better understanding of classical conditioning by looking at the
various components involved in his experiment;
The unconditioned stimulus. (UCS)
The conditioned stimulus. (CS)
The unconditioned reflex/response. (UCR)
The conditioned reflex/response. (CR)
let’s look at each of these classical conditioning components in more detail
Note: In its strictest
definition classical conditioning is described as a previously neutral stimulus
which causes a reflex (stimulus means something which causes a physical
The Unconditioned Stimulus
(food): (UCS)
unconditioned stimulus is anything, which can evoke a response without prior
learning or conditioning.
For example, when a dog eats some
food it causes his mouth to salivate. Therefore the food is an unconditioned
stimulus, because it causes a reflex response (salivation) automatically and
without the dog having to learn how to salivate.
This causes an automatic reflex response.
Conditioned Stimulus
(bell): (CS)
conditioned stimulus is created by learning, and therefore does not create a
response without prior conditioning.
For example, when Pavlov rang a bell
and caused the dogs to salivate, this was a conditioned stimulus because the
dogs learnt to associate the bell with food. If they had not learnt to
associate the bell with food, they would not have salivated when the bell was
You need to learn first before it creates a response. It is an acquired power
to change something.
Reflex/Response (salivation): (UCR)
unconditioned reflex is anything that happens automatically without you having
to think about it, such as your mouth salivating when you eat.
Unconditioned Reflex – Reflex that happens
automatically and you did not have to learn how to do it.
Conditioned Reflex (salivation
in response to bell): (CR)
conditioned reflex is a response which you have learnt to associate with
For example, the dogs salivated when
Pavlov rang a bell, when previously (without conditioning) the bell would not
cause the dogs to salivate.
A conditioned reflex that can evoked in response to a conditioned stimulus.
Basic concepts in
classical conditioning:
are several principles that are associated with classical conditioning, some of
these are:
Extinction: a conditioned response will disappear over time when the
conditioned stimulus is no longer presented.
Spontaneous recovery: sometimes there is the weak appearance
of a previously extinguished response.
Stimulus generalization: this is when individuals respond in
this same way to experience stimuli. For example, all fuzzy animals scaring a
young child instead of just a fuzzy cat.
Stimulus discrimination: organisms can learn to discriminate
between various stimuli.
Higher order conditioning: this is when a neutral stimulus can
cause the conditioned response sense if it had been associated with the
conditioned stimulus.
Types of classical
Forward conditioning: Learning is fastest in forward
conditioning. During forward conditioning the onset of the conditioned stimulus
(CS) precedes the onset of the unconditioned stimulus (US). Two common forms of
forward conditioning are delay and trace conditioning.
Delay conditioning: In delay, conditioning the conditioned stimulus (CS) is
presented and is overlapped by the presentation of the unconditioned stimulus
Trace conditioning: During trace conditioning, the conditioned stimulus (CS) and
US do not overlap. Instead, the conditioned stimulus (CS) is presented, a
period is allowed to elapse during which no stimuli are presented, and then the
unconditioned stimulus (US) is presented. The stimulus-free period is called
the trace interval. It may also be called the conditioning interval.
Simultaneous conditioning: During simultaneous conditioning,
the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) are presented and
terminated at the same time.
Backward conditioning: Backward conditioning occurs when a
conditional stimulus (CS) immediately follows an unconditional stimulus (US).
Unlike traditional conditioning models, in which the conditional stimulus (CS)
precedes the unconditional stimulus (US), the conditional response (CR) tends
to be inhibitory. This is because the conditional stimulus (CS) serves as a
signal that the unconditional stimulus (US) has ended, rather than a reliable
method of predicting the future occurrence of the unconditional stimulus (US).
Temporal conditioning: The unconditioned stimulus (US) is
presented at regularly timed intervals, and CR acquisition is dependent upon
correct timing of the interval between unconditioned stimulus (US)
presentations. The background, or context, can serve as the conditioned
stimulus (CS) in this example.
Unpaired conditioning: The conditioned stimulus (CS) and
unconditioned stimulus (US) are not presented together. Usually they are
presented as independent trials that are separated by a variable, or
pseudo-random, interval. This procedure is used to study non-associative
behavioral responses, such as sensitization.
CS-alone extinction: The conditioned stimulus (CS) is
presented in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus (US). This procedure is
usually done after the conditional response (CR) has been acquired through
“forward conditioning” training. Eventually, the conditional response (CR) frequency
is reduced to pre-training levels. Essentially, the stimulus is presented until
habituation occurs.
Implications of Pavlov’s
Theory to Classroom Situations
The theory believed that one must be able to practice and master
a task effectively before embarking on another one. This means that a student
needs to be able to respond to a particular stimulus (information) before
he/she can be associated with a new one.
Teachers should know how to motivate their students to learn.
They should be versatile with various strategies that can enhance effective
participation of the students in the teaching learning activities.
Most of the emotional responses can be learned through classical
conditioning. A negative or positive response comes through the stimulus being
paired with. For example, providing the necessary school material for primary
school pupils will develop good feelings about school and learning in them,
while, punishment will discourage them from attending the school.
is believed that the learners and more importantly the teachers have greatly
benefited from all the theories. The teachers should be familiar with this
theory and apply it to teaching-learning activities where applicable.
Kohler, a psychologist trained at the University of Berlin, was working at a
primate research facility maintained by the Prussian Academy of Sciences in the
Canary Islands when the First World War broke out. Marooned there, he had at
his disposal a large outdoor pen and nine chimpanzees of various ages. The pen,
described by Kohler as a playground, was provided with a variety of objects
including boxes, poles, and sticks, with which the primates could experiment.
constructed a variety of problems for the chimps, each of which involved
obtaining food that was not directly accessible. In the simplest task, food was
put on the other side of a barrier. Dogs and cats in previous experiments had
faced the barrier in order to reach the food, rather than moving away from the
goal to circumvent the barrier. The chimps, however, presented with an
apparently analogous situation, set off immediately on the circuitous route to
the food.
is important to note that the dogs and cats that had apparently failed this
test were not necessarily less intelligent than the chimps. The earlier
experiments that psychologists had run on dogs and cats differed from Kohler's
experiments on chimps in two important ways. First, the barriers were not
familiar to the dogs and cats, and thus there was no opportunity for using
latent learning, whereas the chimps were well acquainted with the rooms used in
Kohler's tests. Second, whereas the food remained visible in the dog and cat
experiments, in the chimp test the food was tossed out the window (after which
the window was shut) and fell out of sight. Indeed, when Kohler tried the same
test on a dog familiar with the room, the animal (after proving to it that the
window was shut), took the shortest of the possible indirect routes to the
unseen food.
ability to select an indirect (or even novel) route to a goal is not restricted
to chimps, cats, and dogs. At least some insects routinely perform
similar feats. The cognitive processing underlying these abilities will become
clearer when we look at navigation by chimps in a later chapter. For now, the
point is that the chimpanzees' abilities to plan routes are not as unique as
they appeared at the time.
of the other tests that Kohler is known for are preserved on film. In a typical
sequence, a chimp jumps fruitlessly at bananas that have been hung out of
reach. Usually, after a period of unsuccessful jumping, the chimp apparently
becomes angry or frustrated, walks away in seeming disgust, pauses, then looks
at the food in what might be a more reflective way, then at the toys in the
enclosure, then back at the food, and then at the toys again. Finally the
animal begins to use the toys to get at the food.
details of the chimps' solutions to Kohler's food-gathering puzzle varied. One
chimp tried to shinny up a toppling pole it had poised under the bananas;
several succeeded by stacking crates underneath, but were hampered by
difficulties in getting their centers of gravity right. Another chimp had good
luck moving a crate under the bananas and using a pole to knock them down. The
theme common to each of these attempts is that, to all appearances, the chimps
were solving the problem by a kind of cognitive trial and error, as if they
were experimenting in their minds before manipulating the tools. The pattern of
these behaviors--failure, pause, looking at the potential tools, and then the
attempt--would seem to involve insight and planning, at least on the first
Biological motives
are those that are "wired into the nervous system." They include
hunger, thirst, the pursuit of pleasure, and the avoidance of pain. Most living
creatures do what they must to obtain food and water. That is why these are
termed primary
theory was one of the first systematic
attempts to explain motivation. Hull thought he would explain all
behavior of all organisms. It was a very ambitious undertaking. Few
theories in the history of psychology have soared so high or fallen so low.
Hull's theory once dominated American psychology; now it has all but
Research on Hull's
theory is largely responsible for an old stereotype of experimental
psychologists as lab-coated figures watching rats run through mazes for cheese
reinforcement. Hull and other researchers performed many thousands of
experiments with rats in mazes, trying to discover basic laws of motivation.
For beginning
students, Hull's theory remains relevant in several ways. First, the story of
its rise and fall is a case study in scientific research. Second, Hull's
emphasis on homeostasis is echoed in present day studies of biological motives
as regulatory systems. Third, understanding a little about Hull's theory helps
one understand the motivational theories that came later, many of which arose
in response to deficiencies in Hull's theory. In this respect, Hull's theory is
like Freud's: one must know about it in order to make sense of what came after
it. It was a very influential theory.
The Hullian Approach
In the 1930s, Clark
Hull undertook to construct a grand theory that he thought would unite all
psychology. He based his theory on the concept of homeostasis, which he
borrowed from biology. Homeostasis is a word that refers to the active
regulation of critical biological variables. For example, your kidney regulates
the salt and water balance in your body, and your pancreas regulates blood
sugar. To Hull, behavior was another way the organism regulated itself or kept
itself alive and healthy, so to him it made sense that a theory of motivation
would borrow from scientific knowledge about homeostatic processes.
Scientists knew about
biological regulation as early as the mid-1800s, but the concept of homeostasis
was not widely discussed until Walter B. Cannon's 1932 book The Wisdom of
the Body. Cannon pointed out that organisms work to keep biological
variables within a healthy or normal range. There are many homeostatic systems
in the body. Levels of blood pressure, salt, glucose, water, and carbon dioxide
(among other things) must be maintained within normal ranges, for the health of
the organism.
Hull reasoned that
homeostatic mechanisms might provide a scientific explanation of motivation.
Behavior could be regarded as an outward expression of the organism's pursuit
of biological health. For example, you shiver to get warm. That is a
homeostatic mechanism built into the body. If that fails, you are motivated to
carry out a behavior such as putting on a sweater or finding a heater. Many
behaviors are extensions of homeostatic mechanisms. Think how many human
behaviors are related to eating, which is itself aimed at maintaining glucose
and fat levels in our bodies.
Hull conceived of all
motivation as coming originally from biological imbalances or needs. The
organism was thrown into movement (was motivated) when it needed
something that was not present at its current location. A need, in
Hull's system, was a biological requirement of the organism. Hunger was
the need for more energy. Thirst was the need for more water. Motivation, to
Hull, was aimed at making up or erasing a deficiency or lack of
something in the organism.
Hull used the word drive
to describe the state of behavioral arousal resulting from a biological need.
In Hull's system, drive was the energy that powered behavior. But drive was not
pleasant. Drive was an uncomfortable state resulting from a biological need, so
drive was something the animal tried to eliminate. The animal searched for food
in order to reduce the hunger drive. Hull believed the animal would
repeat any behavior that reduced a drive, if the same need occurred again.
Therefore Hull's theory was called a drive-reduction theory of
Hull's theory
inspired an enormous amount of research. No other psychological theory was so
daringly precise. Hull used specific formulas to predict the likelihood of
specific behaviors. He specified that the probability that a particular
stimulus would lead to a particular response (the "excitation
potential") using a formula. You do not have to memorize this; it is
offered as an example of the precision to which Hull aspired:
Excitation potential
= S H R [D x K x J x V]...where....
S H R was the number
of reinforced training trials
D was the amount of
biological deprivation or drive
K was the size or
magnitude of the goal
J was the delay
before the animal was allowed to pursue the goal
V was the intensity
of the stimulus that set off the behavior
Each variable was
given a precise operational
definition, to aid research and
replication. Hull hoped to make psychology as scientific and precise in its
predictions as physics or chemistry. However, things did not work out that way.
Many predictions based on Hull's equations did not come true. Researchers
responded by altering the system, adding variables or subtracting others,
adjusting parameters, trying to make it all work. Finally researchers began to
realize it was never going to work. There could not be such a simple system for
predicting animal behavior.
The abandonment of Hull's
theory occurred about 30 years after he proposed it. An entire generation of
researchers had followed a false lead! By the early 1970s journal articles
contained bitter references to "30 years of fruitless Hullian
research." The study of learning veered off into different directions.
Bolles (1990) commented, "Hull would have been unable to read a
present-day research paper; none of it would have made any sense!"
Hull's theory may
have disappeared from present day motivational research, but not before it had
a big impact on the field. Many motivational theories of the 1950s and 1960s
were reactions to then-dominant Hullian theories. These included the proposals
for cognitive motives as well as Maslow's motivational psychology, both
discussed later in this chapter. All were conceived as alternatives to Hull's
drive-reduction approach.
ability of the individual to apply the previous experience on the new related
experience is what we call transfer of learning. Except students are able to
transfer prior skills and knowledge on new ones, the continuity of learning
will be difficult. This chapter will explain how old learning can be
transferred to a new one. You will know what the classroom teacher needs to do
in order to facilitate transfer of experiences among his/her students.
essence of learning is that a previously learnt fact should be linked with a
present experience. This is because human being must be dynamic and that the
prior experience will make them to develop the new skills and knowledge. The
influence the past experience has on the succeeding experience is called transfer
of learning.
and Hagman, (1987) define transfer of learning as the application of skills and
knowledge learned in one context being applied in another context.
(1998) defines transfer of learning as the effect of prior learning on the present.
Learning is meaningful when the past learning smoothens the progress of
something else. For example, if a learned experienced refuses to aid the new
learning, the goal of training has seized to be accomplished. In the school,
the teacher teaches some subjects in order that the experience gained in those
subjects could be transferred into another.
(1987) affirms that human and animal learning is normally affected by the past
experience, and that the various subjects are included in the school curriculum
because of their utility and wide application to real life situations.
For instance, the teacher who has taught
his/her students some skills in Mathematics would believe that such skills be
transferred to related subjects like Physics or Accounting. If the students
fail to apply these skills in their subsequent learning, it means that the
students have not been successful in transferring the learning.
above example gives us clues into the different types of transfer of learning
that we have. These are explained below:
Positive Transfer:
is a situation whereby a previously learnt fact or information aids in the
understanding of a new task. Aside from aiding the learners in their subsequent
learning, it also helps the learners to learn better and effectively the new
Negative Transfer:
is a type of learning in which prior experience imparts negatively on the new
one. In this case, the understanding of past skills inhibits the mastering of
new ones. For example, if a student wrongly connects information, it can lead
to negative transfer.
Zero Transfer:
type of learning reveals no link between the previously learnt task and the
recent one. The evidence of zero transfer is hardly seen, it reveals no clear
positive or negative effect.
Theories of Transfer of
Theory of Mental Faculties:
theory was propounded by the Greek Philosophers, notable among them was
Aristotle. The basic tenet of the theory is that human mind is sub-divided into
different powers of faculties like memory, judgment, reasoning or thinking. It
is therefore believed that each of these faculties is reinforced and developed
by cast and continuous memorization of poetry/poem and similar works. This
theory believes that exercises and regular practice will strengthen the mental
faculties. The theory therefore dismisses the concept of transfer of learning,
to it a well-trained and disciplined mind is the ingredient needed for
understanding of new information.
Theory of Identical Elements:
theory which was developed by the duo of Thorndike and Woodworth (American
Psychologists) indicates that it is possible for an individual to transfer the
prior skills and knowledge to recent ones because both experiences are
identical (share things in common). This theory suggests that a successful or
effective learning will happen if there are connections or interrelatedness
between the old and the new experiences.
example, it is expected that a student who has learnt about anatomical parts of
human being in a Biology lesson, should be able to do well when he/she is asked
to name anatomical parts of a goat during Agriculture lesson.
Theory of Generalization:
theory was advocated by a Psychologist named Charles Judd. The assumption of
the theory is that general principles aid transfer of learning better than
segregated facts. This theory believes in Gestalt, an assertion which views
learning from a whole or complete form rather than in isolated form.
example, the theory of generalization indicates that a learnt experience should
be useful in other day-to –day related activities.
Classroom Implications of
Transfer of Learning
The teacher should know that transfer of learning will not take
place when both the old and new are unrelated. Hence, the teacher should
endeavor to teach his/her subject-matter in a more meaningful and detailed way
rather than by rote.
The teacher should provide the opportunity for his/her students
to practice a subject-matter being discussed along with him/her. When the
learners are allowed to take active part in teaching learning activities, they
will be able to repeat the task at another time.
For a transfer of learning to take place, the teacher should
always emphasize the relationship that exists between one subject matter and
The teacher should endeavor to develop positive attitudes
towards a learning task so that the students can be motivated to like the task
rather avoiding it.
It is believed that what students see, touch, feel or manipulate
will be better remembered than the one they are not familiar with. Hence, for a
meaningful transfer of learning to take place, the teacher should incorporate
exercises that task the various senses of learners in the learning process.